Fibroids in the uterus | Fibroids | uterine fibroids treatment | what causes uterine fibroids to grow | fibroid treatment without surgery

Fibroids in uterus

These occur in about 50% of women. Some people do not even know. Because most people do not have any symptoms. But in some cases, bleeding is high, pain, and frequent urination. Depending on the severity of the problem, these are referred to as drugs and surgery. However, studies suggest that lifestyle changes can also be helpful. That is why the risk of fibroids is not just a reduction in the risk of pain relief.

* Studies have shown that apples, tomatoes, cabbage, cabbage, and fibroids are at risk. Therefore, it is good to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

* Researchers have found that fibroids are strongly associated with high blood pressure. So it's better to look at the high blood pressure.

* It is important to reduce stress. Because researchers believe that fibroids are under threat of stress. Yoga and meditation can reduce stress. The symptoms that arise from the cows are decreased.

* If the pain occurs during the menstrual period, it will be relieved if the pillow hangs under the feet. Otherwise, if you get back to the chest, the pressure on the back will decrease. This helps to relieve pain.

uterine fibroids pictures in ultrasound

Types of fibroids

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